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Soap Box: How to Move in 60 days.

So many of you are wondering, what? What's going on? Here goes. We are currently renting our townhouse. It's a big military town, so renting is big business here.  Many home owners in this area are military and they rent their property when they have to PCS, so on and so forth. We have a cute little military clause in our contract that states if we or the owner has to PCS or be in/out of the area (per military orders) for 90 days or more, either one of us can give the other 60 days notice and break the lease. guessed it. The owner is coming back and I now have until May 31st to pack up a house with a deployed husband and the school year not quite over with. Yay, me!!! Apparently, God is sure that I work best under these conditions. 

Thus a new challenge in my life begins...How to Pack Up & Move It All in 60 days...more like 55.

Day 1: Freak Out!
I found out at 2:30pm on Friday, April 1.

Day 2: Get Over Yourself

Day 3: Wait! It's Sunday. Start researching properties for rent & sale online.

Day 4: Teacher In-Service Day...No School! Spend another day researching.

Day 5: Get Busy. Find a realtor! Recommendations would be great but any available body with access to the homes will have to do.

So needless to say, I'm off to the find the agent that helped put us in this property. I don't think she was the best but she has access to what I need. We'll just have to work out the rest. Watch out Prudential Carruthers, I've got my big girl shoes on and I don't have time to waste. Have a good week friends. I'll keep you posted.


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