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How To Move In 60 Days: The Finale
How you move in 60 days or less? In my case, you don't. We finally took possession of the house on July 1st. Yes, that's right! JULY. What an amazing, chaotic and humbling adventure of an experience. I'm sure you can say it right along with me...I'm glad it's over!
I could try and fill you in on how we are just getting the Internet from the move order we placed on June 14th, or how between the home inspection and closing a window has been cracked/shattered but still standing, or how the HVAC service rep told me we needed frion (turns out there is something more expensive than gas) and that the unit hasn't been serviced since 2001.
But the important thing is that we finally have a place to call our own, the PODS have returned with all of our belongings, and things are slowly but surely getting back to normal.
So, that's that, hope to post a few good deals for you this week. If I haven't said it already, thanks for sticking out the journey with me. It tickled me how many of you were really interested in the updates. Until our next adventure...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
moving tips,
Soap Box
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