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Soap Box: Expired Coupons

Just check my mailbox to find a letter from Army Community Services (ACS) that read as follows:

"On behalf of the Camp Darby community, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the coupons you and your organization sent to us. Being overseas limits our access to these valuable coupons so be assured they are being used by the military families here in Livorno, Italy. Please accept our thanks for your show of support. "

That just warms my heart. It makes me feel sooooo good. And even though I've been sending expired coupons to  a variety of places overseas for military families. It's good to know they were received and appreciated. So I think I may be loyal to Camp Darby from now on.

And to those of you who supply me with your extra & expired coupons. This letter of thanks is for you too. Hope you are sharing in the joy of doing good too. And for the rest of the week, just remember, you never know how far a kind word or gesture will go. I'm still blown away they took the time to do it. I feel good all over!!! Enjoy the rest of your day.


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