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Soap Box: It Pays to Check The Mail

Aug 21

I've had a really rough week. Who would have thought something as simple as an unexpected coupon could really turn my mood around. The man child was ill the first part of the week. Then my sinuses decided to act as if we've never met the latter part of the week. So I'm really struggling to keep up with the man child. I NEED rest. I also have this complex that if you're going to be up you might as well be productive. Lucky for me, I decided to finally sort this week's mail. And what do I find? A $10 off any purchase coupon from Kohl's that expires today. Thank you Kohl's! I'm thinking I should use it for something selfish, like a candle or something just for ME. Absolutely nothing for back to school. But I'm a mommy and a couponer, we'll see what comes to pass once I get to the store. Wish me luck on keeping this $10 for me, lol. Did anyone else get something great or unexpected this week?


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